Now it is ordinarily an eleven-day journey from Horeb to Kadesh Barnea by way of Mount Seir. However, it was not until the first day of the eleventh month of the fortieth year that Moses addressed the Israelites just as the LORD had instructed him to do.
Deuteronomy 1:2-3 NET
One form of discipline that many parents use is the “time-out.” They have their child sit or stand in a designated spot and do nothing for a specified period. Then, once their time-out is over, they are allowed to resume their regular activity. Hopefully, during their time-out, they will consider what put them there and will not do it again.
But it is not just human parents who use time-outs to correct their children. Deuteronomy opens with Israel’s initial failure to enter the promised land. And that failure resulted in a very long and extended time-out.
We are told that it usually takes eleven days to go from Mt. Sinai (Horeb) to the southern border of Canaan (Kadesh Barnea). On day twelve, they could have begun the conquest. Instead, because of their disobedience, it was nearly 40 years later before their children got a second chance.
How often today does God put us into time-out? When, like Israel, a new chapter of life or ministry lies open before us. And, like Israel, we chose not to go in. It may be because of fear of what lies ahead or contentment with where we already are. And so, instead of experiencing the good things God has for us, we wander around in the wilderness until God gives us a second chance.
When God opens up a new opportunity to serve him, don’t allow fear or complacency to keep you from stepping out in faith. If God has called you there, he will enable you to slay all the giants you might face. The alternative might well be an extended time marching around in the wilderness.