Give us today our daily bread
Matthew 6:11 NET
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave his listeners a model prayer, an outline for how we should pray. And included in that model prayer is this request for daily bread.
I eat very little bread. But it was an essential staple of first-century diets. So much so that breaking bread was synonymous with eating a meal. Bread was a basic necessity of life.
And that is what Jesus tells us to pray for in this passage. What we need each day–the basic necessities of life. These necessities include food, water, and shelter.
Unlike many in the world of Jesus’ day, and today, I have never had to worry about where my next meal would come from. Never had to search for a supply of clean water. And I have always had more than adequate shelter.
But what if? What if I did not enjoy the relative abundance that I do today? Would I trust God for my daily provision? Or would I worry about things that I now take for granted? Would I be content with today’s provision without worrying about tomorrow?
Taking it a step further, do I trust God enough to give what I have to him to use as he sees fit? Even if it means selling all I have and giving it to the poor (Mark 10:21)? Or even just giving from my surplus rather than spending it on myself.
Ultimately, “give us today our daily bread” comes down to trust. Trust that God will provide for us each day. And trust that no matter how generous we are, God will provide for our daily needs.
“Give us today our daily bread” also speaks to contentment. Being content with having what you need and not constantly striving for more.