One person regards one day holier than other days, and another regards them all alike. Each must be fully convinced in his own mind. The one who observes the day does it for the Lord.
Romans 14:5-6a NET
As Christians, should we observe the Sabbath? There are those today who would argue for both sides of this question. However, it was likely an even bigger deal in Rome when Paul wrote this letter. Jewish believers would generally have continued to observe the Sabbath, while Gentile believers probably would not.
Paul’s answer to this question was essentially, “It depends.” What do you believe about it? If you believe you should observe the Sabbath, then do so. There is nothing wrong with doing so. If you believe you do not need to observe the Sabbath, you do not have to. Just be convinced of your position.
Another issue Paul addressed in this chapter concerned eating meat that had been offered to an idol. Was that right or wrong? And the answer was the same. If you have any doubts about it, you should abstain. But if not, then you are welcome to eat it.
Disputable Matters
These two questions fall into a category sometimes called disputable matters. They are not a question of salvation. Nor does being on one side or the other of the issue bring you closer to God. It is a matter of personal conscience and conviction. You are no better if you do or don’t. There is no clear right or wrong with these matters.
However, Paul does give us some guidelines regarding disputable matters. First, I must be fully convinced that what I do is OK. For me, to take a drink of alcohol would be wrong. Not because it is a bad thing, but because I don’t think I should.
A second guideline regarding these disputable things is that I should not judge those on the other side of the issue. While it would be wrong for me to drink. It would be equally wrong for me to judge those who have a drink with their meal.
A final guideline is to be sensitive about the conscience of other believers I am with. One reason I don’t drink is because of the example it might set for someone who is struggling with the issue. I don’t want to be responsible for causing them to sin.
In general, when faced with a disputable matter, let your conscience be your guide. But also, be considerate of those you are with and be sure you are acting in love.