Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”
John 6:28-29 NIV
Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”
Jesus had fed a multitude and then left, going to the other side of the lake. The crowd followed him, and Jesus accused them of chasing after him because he had fed them. Jesus then encouraged them to work “for food that endures to eternal life.” Food that the Son of Man could give to them (John 6:27).
Their response was predictable. What do we have to do? How can we earn this food that results in eternal life? What are the works that God requires? The word “requires” is not in the Greek text, but it is implied and supplied by the translators.
The people asking this question likely assumed that some great deeds would be required to earn this kind of food. But Jesus responded with only one thing. The work of God is to believe in the one he sent—Jesus.
What Does God Require?
Some translations supply the word “requires” here as well, “the work God requires is this.” However, adding this word here potentially changes the meaning of Jesus’ response. If required is added, it clearly refers to something that God expects of me. If it is not there, then the verse could be taken to mean that what follows is the work that God does.
Does God require me to believe in Jesus in order to have eternal life? Or does God work in me to produce belief that results in eternal life? How you answer that will likely be based on other factors. Personally, I find it more persuasive to see that belief is what God requires rather than supplies (John 3:16; 6:40).
But, more significantly, what does it mean to believe in Jesus? Is it simply adhering to a creed or set of beliefs? Or does it entail trusting your life to his leadership? The word itself implies the latter. Believing in Jesus is not just a matter of what is in my head. It involves my whole being.
And that is ultimately what God requires from me—that I believe in Jesus, following him where he leads.
Happy New Year! I am looking forward to more great articles from you this year!!