A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)

Bible Study

This is the parent category for all of the short Bible study and devotional posts. Nested under it is a separate category for each book in the Bible.

don't grumble

Don’t Grumble Against One Another – James 5:9



Grumbling, or complaining, is all too common in our churches today. But James tells us to don't grumble. Instead look to build others up.

healer of broken people

The Healer of Broken People – John 21:15



Broken people abound in the world, myself included. But I am so thankful that Jesus loves people who have failed, bring healing to us.

sitting on the fence

Sitting On the Fence Is Not an Option – Luke 11:23



Jesus said that we are either for him or against him. There is no neutral position. There is no fence sitting on this issue.

why are you downcast

Why Are You Downcast, Oh My Soul – Psalms 42:5



The cry of the psalmist is heartbreaking: why are you downcast my soul. Yet even in the mist of this, he continues to place his faith in God.

our knowledge is incomplete

Our Knowledge Is Incomplete at Best – 1 Corinthians 13:12



Now we know in part, our knowledge of God and his activity is incomplete. But someday that will change and we can more fully understand him.

whether they listen or not

Whether They Listen or Not – Ezekiel 2:7



We have been given good news to share with a lost and dying world. And we are responsible to share it, whether or not they listen to us.

compelled to serve

Compelled to Serve – 1 Corinthians 9:16



Imagine what the church would be like today if each of us felt compelled to serve, using the gifts God has given us for the common good.

a prayer for wisdom

A Prayer for Wisdom from Above – James 1:5-8



James encourages those who lack the wisdom to face our trials as believers to pray for wisdom. But be sure to pray in faith.

It's never too late

It’s Never Too Late to Turn to God – Jeremiah 36:3



No matter where you are in your life, as long as you still have life, it is not too late to turn to God and respond to his offer of salvation.

the hope of Israel

The Promised Hope of Israel – Acts 26:6-8



The hope of Israel centers around Jesus the Messiah and what he did. All of the Law, the Prophets and their promises find fulfillment in him.

Idolatry and worship

Mixing Idolatry With the Worship of God – Judges 17:3-6



Are you guilty of idolatry at the same time as you come to worship God? I believe there are some subtle ways many of us are guilty of that.

cast all your anxiety on him

Cast All of Your Anxiety on Him – 1 Peter 5:7



There are so many things that we can allow to cause us to worry. But God tells us to cast all of that anxiety on him. He does care for us.