A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


speaking with great boldness

Speaking With Great Boldness – Acts 4:29



As believers in the Lord Jesus, we have the best news in the world. And we should be speaking out with great boldness to share the gospel.

a watchman

I Have Made You a Watchman – Ezekiel 33:7-9



A watchman is one who reports about approaching danger. And that is something that all believers have a responsibility to do.

whether they listen or not

Whether They Listen or Not – Ezekiel 2:7



We have been given good news to share with a lost and dying world. And we are responsible to share it, whether or not they listen to us.

The testimony of nature

Can Someone Be Saved by the Testimony of Nature?



Is it possible for a person to be saved by the testimony of nature, by seeing God's hand in creation? No. But it may lead to an encounter.

Tell them how much the Lord has done for you

Tell Them How Much the Lord Has Done for You – Mark 5:19



As a believer, I should be willing, and able, to tell other people what the Lord has done for me. That requires no training, just love.

Do what is right in God's eyes

Which Is Right In God’s Eyes – Acts 4:18-20



How do you respond when people challenge your right to share your faith? Peter and John responded that it is better to do what is right in God's eyes.

Brood of vipers

Repent, You Brood of Vipers! – Luke 3:7-8



You brood of vipers! John's call to repentance was forceful with no holds barred. And the people responded to his call in droves.

Share the Good News

Share the Good News – Romans 10:13-15



It is necessary to call on the name of the Lord to be saved. But people cannot do that if no one will share the good news of Jesus with them.

dressed in camel's hair

Dressed in Camel’s Hair – Matthew 3:4



John dressed in camel's hair and preached in the wilderness, and people flocked to him in repentance. Our methods are not as important as the message.

a star in the east

We Have Seen His Star in the East – Matthew 2:1-2



A star in the east led wise men to Jesus. The same one responsible for that star shines a light in our hearts. Will we follow it to Jesus?

Consuming the word

Consuming the Word – Revelation 10:10



Follow John's example in consuming God's word. It will be sweet at times and bitter at other times. But always it is good.

support missionaries

Offer Support to Missionaries



Support a missionary; pray for them, write to them, offer financial support, welcome them when they visit; be a fellow worker with them.