A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


The net was not torn

The Net Was Not Torn – John 21:11



The gospel is like a great net. It can catch all manner of men and women of all nations and tribes. And the net will not be torn.

I do know one thing

I Do Know One Thing – John 9:25



I cannot answer every question someone might ask. But one thing I do know beyond the shadow of a doubt. I know what Jesus did in my own life.

Let Your Light Shine Out

Let Your Light Shine Out – Psalm 106:35-36



As God's people, we need to a distinct people, in this world, but not a part of it. We should be a light to a world living in darkness.

Be different than the world around your

Be Different than the World Around You – Ezekiel 16:52



Let your life give witness to the transformative work of the indwelling Holy Spirit, drawing people to Jesus rather than turning them away.

Where there are no oxen

Where There Are No Oxen – Proverbs 14:4



Are we willing to invest time and effort in sharing the good news with the world around us, producing an abundant harvest for the kingdom?

A lamp shining in the darkness: a matter of life and death

A Matter of Life and Death – John 5:24



Pass on the good news. Invite those living in darkness to hear, believe, and experience eternal life. It is a matter of life and death.

By Divine Appointment

By Divine Appointment – Acts 8:29-31



If the Spirit nudges you to go into the desert and climb into someone’s chariot, be willing to go, accepting the opportunity to share Christ.

Following the Example of Jesus

Following the Example of Jesus – Matthew 4:23



You might not be a dynamic speaker or able to heal the sick and cast out demons. But you can share the good news of the kingdom with others

Welcoming and Eating with Sinners

Welcoming and Eating with Sinners – Luke 15:1-2



Rather than judging others unworthy of God's love, I need to follow Jesus’ example and share his love- even with sinners and tax collectors.

Some Will Refuse to Believe in Jesus

Some Will Refuse to Believe in Jesus – John 11:45-46



Share the gospel with those you meet. But don’t be discouraged by those who refuse to believe in Jesus and oppose you and our Lord.

Make the Most of Every Opportunity

Make the Most of Every Opportunity – Colossians 4:5



Make the most of every opportunity you have to share the good news of Jesus. And make every contact with unbelievers a positive one.

Finding Common Ground

Finding Common Ground – 1 Corinthians 9:22



The example Paul left for us is to find common ground with everyone we encounter, in order to be able to bring them to Christ.