So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up
Ephesians 4:11-12 NIV
There are several offices mentioned in this passage. Whether all of them are still operable in the church today is irrelevant to what Paul says about them here. What is important is that they have been given to the church. Their primary role is not as managers, although they may do some of that. Nor is it to do the work of the church, although they do participate in it. Paul says their primary function, and the reason they were given, was to equip the rest of us for the church’s work. And, as they do that, the church will be built up toward unity and maturity.
Many people in the church seem content to be consumers. Expecting to be ministered to, blessed, or entertained. But we are called to be producers rather than consumers. We are to do the work of the church. It is only as each member of the body takes their responsibility seriously as a productive member of the body that the body will be built up and become mature.
Leaders, serve those God has placed under your care. Equip them to do the work of the church. And encourage them in their service.
For the rest of us, encourage your leaders to equip you for works of service as a part of the church. And then do it. Be a productive member of the body, helping to build it up to maturity. Only as each of us does our part will that happen.