No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
Romans 8:37 NIV
In the latter half of the eighth chapter of Romans, Paul has some very encouraging things to say to those who are living in the realm of the Spirit (Rom. 8:9). He tells us that in everything that happens, God is working for our good (Rom. 8:28) and that God is for us (Rom. 8:31)? And, he asks, if God is for us, what can separate us from the love of Christ (Rom. 8:35)? Trouble? Hardship? Persecution? Danger? Or anything else?
We may indeed face all of these and more, including death, for the sake of our Lord. But none of them will be able to separate us from the love of Christ. In all these things, we are more than conquerors through the one who loves us.
This promise of overcoming is made to those who live according to the Spirit rather than their old nature (Rom. 8:4). Only when we follow the Spirit of God living in us can we overcome the challenges we will face as believers.
This promise is not that we will survive these things. But that we will be more than conquerors. This flesh may suffer in the battle. But I will emerge victorious, wearing the victor’s crown (1 Cor. 9:25). Far from separating me from the love of Christ, all of these things will only draw me nearer to him.
Being more than a conqueror over trouble, hardship, and death is not done in my strength. It is because of the one who is for me and who is working all things for my good that I can emerge victorious. Trust the one who loves you more than you can know. Follow his Spirit’s leading. And nothing will be able to separate you from his love.