But you, Sovereign LORD,
Psalm 109:21-22 NIV
help me for your name’s sake;
out of the goodness of your love, deliver me.
For I am poor and needy,
and my heart is wounded within me.
Heartache! It comes to most people. For some, it is only an occasional visitor. For others, it seems to take up permanent residence. It may result from various causes: death of a loved one, breakup of a relationship, family who have walked away from God, loss of a job or dream, health issues, or various other challenging circumstances that come into our lives.
The psalmist was facing rejection from other people. At least some of whom had once been close to him. And his heart was wounded. He was suffering. And he had only one place to go for comfort and healing. To the Sovereign Lord. He turned to the Lord for help and deliverance. To the one who stands at the right hand of the needy to save their lives (Ps. 109:31). This psalm is his prayer for healing a wounded heart.
We can expect to experience heartache, sorrow, or grief. None of us are immune to it. But, when it comes, we have one who cares deeply for us. And we can turn to him for his help. He may not remove the heartache, at least not immediately. But he will walk with us through it, bringing help and comfort. And he will ensure that we grow through the experience rather than be destroyed. Pour out your heart to God. Especially in your grief. And find comfort in his presence.