But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
Luke 5:16 NIV
How important is prayer in the life of the believer? And what priority do we place on prayer? It is evident from this verse that it was important to Jesus. Everywhere Jesus went, crowds surrounded him, coming to hear what he had to say and experiencing healing (Luke 5:15). Yet he often withdrew to spend time in communion with his Father.
You might think that if anyone had little need for prayer, it would be Jesus. After all, he is a part of the triune God. But he was also fully human, and the time spent in prayer with the Father was important to him. And not just brief moments in prayer. Withdrawing to a lonely place would require significant time and commitment.
If prayer was so important to Jesus, should it not also be for me? Should I not withdraw into lonely places from time to time, spending time with God in prayer—making it a priority to invest time with God, getting to know him better, and seeking his will in my life?
Withdrawing into lonely places may be beyond the ability of many, if not most, believers. And family and work obligations may make it challenging to spend extended periods alone in prayer. But each of us should prioritize investing as much time as we can in prayer, following the example of our Lord.
But why? Why should we make prayer a priority in our lives? The most obvious reason is that Jesus did. And if we are his disciples, we should be following his example.
But there is a practical benefit to prayer as well. In prayer, we draw near to the throne of God above. And the more time you spend in prayer, seeking the Father, the closer to God you will become, and the more effective you will be in service to him.
Prayer is essential for living the life of a believer to its fullest. We need to make spending time with the Father a priority in our lives rather than an afterthought.