Then Barnabas departed for Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught a significant number of people.
Acts 11:25-26a NET
We find Barnabas introduced in Acts 4:36-37. His name was Joseph, but the apostles had given him the nickname of Barnabas – Son of Encouragement. And he is known by that nickname throughout the rest of Acts.
And this nickname was well deserved. When Paul, then known as Saul, first came to faith in Christ and tried to connect with the apostles in Jerusalem, Barnabas was willing to meet with this former enemy of the church and then bring him to the apostles (Acts 9:26-27).
When the apostles heard that the Gentiles were coming to faith in Antioch, they sent Barnabas to investigate. Barnabas came to Antioch, saw the grace of God at work among them, and rejoiced. Instead of returning to Jerusalem, he stayed in Antioch, encouraging the believers to remain faithful to the Lord (Acts 11:22-24).
While Barnabas was in Antioch, he remembered Saul. Barnabas went to Tarsus and searched for him. And when he found him, he brought him back to Antioch. And together, they spent a year teaching and growing the church there.
Barnabas later traveled with Saul/Paul on his first missionary journey. At the beginning of the mission, Barnabas seemed to be the party’s leader. But that role transitioned to Paul midway through the trip. Barnabas had encouraged and mentored Paul and then stepped aside and allowed Paul to take the lead in the Gentile mission.
Barnabas’ example of encouragement is one that we should all seek to emulate. He was faithful in his service to the Lord. And he encouraged others, helping them grow in their faith and discover where they could serve most effectively. Barnabas was willing to befriend Paul when no one else would. Then, take him under his wing at Antioch. And eventually, to step back and allow Paul to lead out in the Gentile mission.
Be an encourager to other believers. Encourage them to remain faithful, to grow in their faith, and to find the place of service God has equipped them for. Then, give them room to reach their full potential.
As usual, well done.