Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart.
2 Corinthians 4:1 NIV
When we think of God’s mercy, we commonly understand it as God not giving us what we deserve. But mercy is more than that. Mercy involves seeing someone in need, being able to meet their need, and acting on that. Because of God’s mercy, he saw our hopeless condition and was moved to act on our behalf. He saw our need, could do something about it, and did.
But Paul here expresses another aspect of God’s mercy. Because of that mercy, Paul was called to be an apostle and given the work that he had to do. And this is true, not just of Paul, but for all believers. It is by his mercy that he employs us in his service. He knows we need to serve to grow, and he meets that need.
But Paul is doing more than expressing that God’s mercy had given him his ministry. Because that was true, Paul did not lose heart. He went through some very discouraging times, and giving up would have been easy. But, because his task was not of his own choosing, but because of God’s mercy, he let nothing stop him. He felt it was an honor to serve rather than a duty.
And that should be true of all of us who, through God’s mercy, can serve in his kingdom. Regardless of the work he has given you, you have it because of his mercy. So don’t become discouraged. Instead, serve with a joyful and thankful heart. It is a privilege to serve our Lord.