In spite of all this, Israel’s sister, unfaithful Judah, has not turned back to me with any sincerity; she has only pretended to do so,” says the LORD. Then the LORD said to me, “Under the circumstances, wayward Israel could even be considered less guilty than unfaithful Judah.
Jeremiah 3:10-11 NET
Many years before Jeremiah became a prophet, the nation of Israel had divided. The northern tribes retained the name of Israel, while the southern tribes took the name of the dominant tribe of Judah. The Scripture tells us that both nations were guilty of the idolatry and social injustice that had led to Israel’s destruction.
During the early years of Jeremiah’s ministry, Josiah was the king of Judah. Josiah had a heartfelt commitment to the Lord and sought to turn the nation back to a true worship of God. The reform efforts he undertook were extensive. And, at least on the surface, they appeared to be successful.
But as God’s words to the nation through Jeremiah indicate, the nation’s repentance was not sincere. They went through the motions of leaving their idolatry behind and returning to the Lord. But it was only a pretense.
And God told them that they were even worse than Israel because of it. Israel had made no pretense of devotion to God and was destroyed. Judah saw the consequences of rebellion against God. But it made no difference.
Going Through the Motions
How many of us today are, like Judah, just going through the motions of serving God? Giving lip service to being a Christian but failing to follow him as Lord? Should we think that God is satisfied with that, any more than he was with Judah’s pretense of turning to God?
It is not enough to call yourself a Christian, to “go to church,” and do other “Christian” things. Judah did that and was deemed more guilty than her sister nation, who rejected any semblance of serving God.
Don’t just go through the motions, pretending you’re something you’re not. God wants no less from us than complete surrender. To deny ourselves, to take up our cross, and to follow him (Matt. 16:24).