A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


Does God make mistakes?

Does God Make Mistakes? – 1 Samuel 15:10-11



Things that might seem contradictory to us may simply be a case of us not being able to comprehend the incomprehensible.

A Fortuitous Coincidence?

A Fortuitous Coincidence? – Ruth 2:3



God is at work in my life, the lives of other believers, and the world—working to accomplish his purpose in creation.

Blueprints: God is in charge and has a plan

God Is in Charge and Has a Plan – Exodus 9:15-16



God is “working out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will.” No one can thwart his plan for us.

God's Purpose Will Stand

God’s Purpose Will Stand – Isaiah 46:9-11



God is sovereign over all creation. And God's purpose in creation will stand. Nothing can hinder him. And that should encourage us.

Giving Advice to God

Giving Advice to God – Isaiah 40:13-14



While I may often question God and why he does what he does, there is no advice I can give to him that will improve his plan and purpose.

God's timing

How Should We Feel When God’s Timing Doesn’t Seem Perfect?



It can be challenging to trust that God's timing in dealing with my life situations is best. But he has a much better perspective than we do.

Introduction to Ephesians

Ephesians: A Brief Introduction



This brief introduction to Ephesians will share some thoughts about the authorship, dating, audience, and purpose of this profound letter.

carrying out God's Purpose

Carrying Out God’s Purpose – Revelation 17:17



God is in control. He even directs the affairs of nations in the accomplishment of his purpose for creation. He will not be thwarted.

an atheistic worldview

An Atheistic Worldview



And if there is no creator, then there is really no purpose for this universe, for humanity, or for any individual. Humanity is nothing more than an insignificant infection on an infinitesimal speck in the cosmic expanse. Even if an explanation for the origin of the universe, and for life and mind, could be provided, the result would be the same; there is no overarching purpose for any of it. We are nothing more than an accidental byproduct of naturalist processes, which themselves are coincidental, at work in an accidental universe.

the doctrine of the sovereignty of God

The Doctrine of the Sovereignty of God



God is sovereign, and has a plan and purpose for his creation that will be accomplished. But his plan takes into account his foreknowledge of our choices.

does it matter

Does It Matter If We Were Created, or Not?



On a practical level, does it matter if we were created, or just a cosmic accident? I believe it makes a dramatic difference in how we live.

purpose without God

What Purpose Can We Have Without God?



What purpose is there in life with God? Can we have real purpose if we are just a cosmic accident without any real significance?

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