Though the LORD is exalted, he looks after the lowly,
Psalm 138:6 NIV
and from far away humbles the proud.
What is your view of God? I find that I have two very different perspectives of God. And this verse reflects those diverse perspectives.
God is exalted. He is high above me, enthroned as the creator and sovereign Lord. I am in awe of one who can fashion and hold this universe together in all its glory and complexity. Compared to him, I am less than nothing. And it is appropriate that I come before the exalted sovereign of all creation with fear and trembling.
But there is another side to God, at least for those who are his. The psalmist says that he looks kindly on the lowly. Although he is high and exalted, he sees us from afar. While he is never less than exalted sovereign, he is also a loving Father to his children. He reaches out to us and draws us close.
These two perspectives of God may seem at odds with each other. But they are both necessary for a healthy relationship with God. He is our high and exalted, sovereign Lord. And because of that, he is worthy of our highest honor and praise. But he is also our loving Father whose care for us is beyond our comprehension. And he invites us into intimate fellowship with himself.
We can, and should, worship and obey him as sovereign Lord. And we can, and should, rejoice that he is our loving Father, loving him in return with all we are.
It is encouraging
That is good to hear. Thanks for sharing.