A Clay Jar

Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)


This is an upper-level category for A Clay Jar. It encompasses all of the posts that are related to Christianity. This includes small Bible devotionals, longer book and topic studies, and larger theological posts.

why can't we get along

Why Can’t We Get Along – Philippians 4:2



Whenever two or more people get together, we can find conflict. But as believers, we should be of one mind in Christ. And able to get along.

Tithing: Should Christians tithe today?

Tithing: Should New Testament Believers Tithe Their Income?



Tithing was a requirement under the Old Testament Law. But is it still a mandate for New Testament believers? Do we have an obligation to give financially?

my heart is steadfast

My Heart, O God, Is Steadfast – Psalm 57:7-10



When troubles come, join with David in proclaiming, "My heart, oh God, is steadfast." Put your hope in the one who can overcome all.

even the Gentiles

God Has Love, Even for the Gentiles – Acts 11:18



In the world of the New Testament, Gentiles were non-Jews, outside of God's love. In your world today, who do you consider to be a Gentile?

the absurdity of life without God

The Absurdity of Life Without God: What if There Is No God



The absurdity of life without God is not concerned with what a person believes, but with actual reality. What if there really is no God?

Living a life of integrity

Living a Life of Integrity Before God – Genesis 39:9



As believers in the Lord Jesus, we are called to live a life of integrity. Joseph sets a wonderful example of integrity for us to follow.

For God so loved the world

For God So Loved the World – John 3:16



For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Jesus' fulfillment of prophecy in Matthew

Jesus’ Fulfillment of Prophecy in Matthew



One of the significant aspects of Matthew's gospel of Jesus is his concern with showing Jesus' fulfillment of the prophecy made about him.

Soaring on wings like an eagle

Soaring On Wings Like Eagles – Isaiah 40:28-31



Sometimes it can be easy to think God doesn't care. But trust him. He can renew your strength so you can soar on wings like an eagle.

Encourage one another

Encourage One Another – 2 Corinthians 13:11



Serving the Lord, and life in general, can be hard and discouraging. So Paul's admonition to encourage one another is important.

why did God create

Why Did God Create the Heaven and Earth?



Why did God create the universe, and us? It is not possible for humanity to fully understand God's reasons. But I believe grace is at the heart of it.

when overwhelmed with trouble

When Overwhelmed with Trouble – Psalm 88:3-5



When it seems like the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train and you are feeling overwhelmed. Take your complaint to God.